Along with constantly improving performance, industrial machines continue to become increasingly sophisticated. Hydraulic equipment has to meet the challenge of diversifying needs.
You may already appreciate the Nachi-Fujikoshi reputation for compact equipment that delivers energy efficiency, safety, and high performance. Our equipment is also constantly refined by our quest for ultimate hydraulics that combine great power with flexible motion control.
Contents of Online Catalog
- The online catalog includes CAD data for “NACHI Standard Hydraulic Equipment”. The CAD data is available in two formats, “DXF(self extracting)” and “DWG”.
- The diagram data is 1:10 scale CAD data.
- Software that is able to open DXF or DWG file is necessary to view the CAD data.
Note on Using this Catalog
- Nachi-Fujikoshi Corporation owns and holds the copyright for the CAD data.
- Nachi-Fujikoshi Corporation bears no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of this CAD data.
- This CAD data can be used only within the company that downloads it.
- Reproduction and or modification of this CAD data for distribution or use on a network by third parties is prohibited except for in-house use.
- Product improvements may result in changes without prior announcement to specifications represented in the CAD data.

NRP series Power Package
- Energy saving.
Power consumption: 50W (approx. 95% down) - Low noise.
57 dB(A) during operation; Zero noise during stop - Low heat output .
Oil temperature is room temperature + 7°C
NSPi series
Inverter drive hydraulic unit
- Added Inverter Driver to Compact Body. Even More Environmentally Friendly and Quiet.
- Just by changing conventional hydraulic units to NSPi series inverter-driven hydraulic units, Power Consumption Reduced by Approximately 64%
- Low Noise
53db. of the wonder
- A compact hydraulic system that realizes large energy savings and high precision.
- The AC servo motor controls hydraulic pump rotation speed and direction.
- It is possible to generate pressure and flow to match the operating cycle of machinery and to stop during idle times. Leads to large energy savings by operating the pump only when necessary .